Executives often ask me whether the digital transformation I recommend is simply too difficult for their organizations to achieve.

My reply: absolutely not. An essential element of being agile is taking change one step at a time, and furthermore, ensuring that business needs drive that change. In this way any transformation, no matter how complex, can be broken down into reasonable, achievable tasks that each show measurable business value.

When each accomplishment itself solves a real business problem, even the most inflexible of organizations can find a successful path to digital transformation.

— Jason Bloomberg

Jason Bloomberg on Digital Transformation

Jason Bloomberg speaks on “Digital Transformation: More about Transformation than Digital.”

How to Work with Intellyx

Bring Jason Bloomberg, Charles Araujo, or Jason ‘JE’ English into your organization for a workshop or keynote. With their provocative, insightful, and informative style, Intellyx analysts can place technology concepts into the appropriate business context — where they belong.

Customized workshops and retreats for business audiences and mixed business/IT audiences delivered personally by either Jason Bloomberg or Charles Araujo. Obtain insight and information available nowhere else. Learn how to achieve agile digital transformation in your organization.

Keynotes and presentations for business audiences delivered by Jason Bloomberg, Charles Araujo, or Jason ‘JE’ English. Refreshing, provocative, and eye-opening. Intellyx analysts make essential technology concepts clear and meaningful for all audiences.