Propel: Top-line-value-focused product optimization platform

Propel PLM in Intellyx BrainCandyAn Intellyx Brain Candy Update

Propel has been exceedingly busy since our last update in 2021, building and integrating new product information and quality capabilities, recasting its PLM (product lifecycle management) suite as a PVM (or product value management) platform, bringing on new executives, and refocusing its market around customer-facing product optimization concerns.

The PLM space arose within the SCM (or supply chain management) arena more than 2 decades ago as a way to bridge the gaps between customer demand, material and part supplies, and production capacity. A dozen years ago, software engineers took a page from the best practices of SCM and Kanban planning to start the DevOps movement. And now it seems like we’ve come full circle with the virtuous cycle of PVM. 

Just like DevOps sought to prevent software code getting thrown ‘over the wall’ to ops, Propel’s PVM platform seeks to close the value gap between customer requirements, and the necessary design, sourcing and production information needed to deliver a quality product to end customers.

Interacting with upstream platforms like Salesforce and downstream ERP and supplier content, Propel provides a collaborative decision environment for sharing product information, assessing the potential quality risks and top-line-growth rewards of making design tradeoffs, selecting suppliers, and supporting end customers with feedback from the finite lifecycle of each successive product release.

© 2022 Intellyx. At the time of writing, Propel is not an Intellyx customer. None of the other vendors mentioned here are Intellyx clients. Want to see more BrainCandy? Subscribe today. If you are a vendor seeking coverage from Intellyx, please contact us at


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug