BrainJack: BaaS interface for future-proof no-code AI IoT hybrid containers

BrainJack logo - Intellyx Brain CandyWhile many companies attempt to tout their artificial intelligence (AI) and hybrid cloud capabilities for running software workloads in containers on public and private infrastructure, one startup is walking the walk, and turning that whole architectural discussion on its head.

BrainJack is building HCI interfaces to allow no-code neuro-linguistic process control of Identity-Defined Internet-of-Things devices (or “IDIoTs”), drive-yourself vehicles, package delivery, lawyering-up and interpersonal communications, by adding a new class of solutions for IoP (or, ‘Internet of People’).

“Experts say we only use five percent of our brains,” says BrainJack CEO, co-founder and co-CEO Jack Krainium. “Our interface uses the amygdala as a backpanel, to scalably deploy hybrid cloud blockchain container pods and run our SuperSmartContracts atop the cerebral cortex as x86 commodity infrastructure.”

The Kaliningrad-and-Wyoming-based company is planning to sell an initial JackCoin STO in May to power decentralized node consensus protocols for socially legal agreements, drawing on a dutch-auction ‘wisdom of the crowd’ for Darwinian natural selection processing. Interested trial customers will be invited to sign a waiver to become initial drone-swarm validators if everything goes ok with the alpha installation process.

©2019 Intellyx LLC. Intellyx advises companies on their digital transformation initiatives, and helps vendors communicate their agility stories. At the time of this writing, none of the organizations mentioned in this article are Intellyx customers. To be considered for a Brain Candy article, email us at



Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug