Circonus: When hysterically massive time-series data counts

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Circonus is a hybrid infrastructure monitoring and analysis company that became a specialized time-series database creator along the way.

In the past, an ops team managing an application stack could get away with simply monitoring a set of server metrics, and triggering alerts if some measure of performance dropped below a certain threshold. Over time, as new architectures kicked in, and the amount of incoming data points to any enterprise started doubling exponentially, simply monitoring the health of applications started falling apart. Companies needed to start collecting more data and running analytics on it to spot larger trends.

Now, with hybrid IT workloads proliferating dynamically into cloud-based containers, users interacting with applications over mobile networks, and millions of IoT devices and sensors generating data points that can impact any process, the ability to not just monitor, but predict trends across such a wildly unpredictable sea of data becomes of much higher priority. How to extract and process that much data without creating a performance and latency nightmare?

Circonus answers this challenge in two phases. First, a Smart Monitoring solution that allows data records to be either streamed or polled from many different data sources without the cumbersome extraction process, and then presented in a time-series format ideal for building histogram views and comparisons in the analytics tools of choice.

Second, while building that lightweight polling process, the company fueled construction of its own IronDB database optimized for this kind of high volume, quick throughput analytics function.

If Moore’s Law holds true, we can predict IT analytics teams will want every ounce of efficiency they can get.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug