Let’s Play the Hodler Game

Let’s play a game. Here’s how it works.

I’m running the game in a room full of hundreds or even thousands of people, all of whom are looking to play in order to go home with a big wad of cash.

I’m giving one person at a time a poker chip, as quickly as I can.

I’ll offer the first person to hand me their poker chip in return an amount in dollars equal to all the poker chips in the room. But once I do, the game is over, and everybody else goes home empty-handed.

Now, let’s say you’re in this lucky audience. What’s your best strategy for going home with a lot of dough?

Turn in your chip too early and you win the game, but you go home with a pittance. Wait too long, however, and someone else will cash in instead of you.

Read the entire article at https://dailyiconews.com/crypto-skepticism-of-the-week/lets-play-the-hodler-game/jason-bloomberg/2019/05/25/.

Jason Bloomberg neither owns, nor plans to own, any cryptocurrency or other cryptotoken, either long or short.