The Rumors of Cryptojacking’s Death are Greatly Exaggerated

Thank heavens for crypto, or we wouldn’t have two of the greatest cybersecurity scourges of the 21st century: ransomware and cryptojacking.

Ransomware was the cybercriminal’s darling in 2017, followed shortly by illicit cryptomining aka cryptojacking in 2018. Now that crypto prices are in the toilet (relatively speaking), it seems that cybercrooks may be shifting back to ransomware as their crypto-crime of choice.

However, don’t count cryptojacking out yet. Just this week, news of hackers using stolen NSA malware to drop numerous variants of Monero cryptominers on unsuspecting, unpatched Windows machines hit the wire.

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Jason Bloomberg neither owns, nor plans to own, any cryptocurrency or other cryptotoken, either long or short.