Balancing Security and Agility with SD-WAN

By Charles Araujo


In an enterprise tech world dominated by hype-laden headlines and breathless sales pitches about the latest must-have technology, balance, it would seem, may be the most underrated and under-appreciated enterprise IT capability.

The ability to strike and maintain a balance between competing, but unavoidable forces, however, is rapidly becoming an essential capability for organizations that recognize that there is no shortcut on the pathway to success in the digital era.

A case-in-point is the seemingly intractable contention between the need for organizational agility and the need for enterprise security, as organizations transform themselves into modern, digital-first enterprises.

Every step that makes the organization more agile seems to undermine or threaten its security posture. And every step that makes the organization more secure threatens to make it less adept at change and less able to pivot when the next market shift occurs.

Within most enterprise IT organizations, it sets up a never-ending battle between teams responsible for these respective organizational objectives. But rather than contention, what they must find is balance.

The question is, how.

Read the entire article here.