Confluera: Assigning continuity to detect and remediate cyberattacks

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Businesses lose, on average, $4 million dollars for every successful cyberattack. But despite an annual global network and infrastructure security spend of more than $33 billion dollars, data breaches and service interruptions still seem to be as unpreventable as the next extreme weather disaster.

Confluera is proactively seeking out the unique threat signatures and sequences that often fly under the radar of conventional security measures. These newer forms of attacks can move laterally through several user and application layers, often lurking undetected for days or months amidst a deluge of other alerts, file movements and system activity data.

“We need to shift the cybersecurity paradigm from speculative manual investigation, to a deterministic, intent-based and holistic one that automates attack detection,” says Abhijit Ghosh, CEO and co-founder of Confluera. “When observing all real-time activity, if our solution stitches together a causal sequence of actions that represents an attack, we autonomously remediate and respond to prevent continued progression.”

Their solution provides an intuitive attack-graph progression and response tracking portal, with agent-based connections to most flavors of modern and legacy application infrastructure, as it takes in data and alerts from most OS-level systems, monitoring and alerting tools across an extended on-premises and multi-cloud application estate.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug