Packet: Authentically independent cloud IaaS infrastructure for builders

Packet logoAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

When you discover how Packet is offering a bare-metal IaaS public cloud that gives them the ability to provide the software and expertise to enterprise and telco clients who what to build private clouds following hyperscale best practices, you might declare “what impropriety is going on here?” 

Who are these upstarts, daring to offer such alternatives at a time when the experts have already called a three-horse race, and enterprise buyers of big cloud IaaS are all settled on their procurement plans? 

Simple — they are far more concerned with delivering hyperscaling capabilities for builders to define on their own bare metal, rather than managing it for the buyers. Packet also offers a low-margin, bare-bones managed cloud service, which is sometimes used as a transitional step for startups and companies not quite ready to define their own clouds. Besides the infrastructure provisioning, Level 3 networking and API functions, they intentionally leave out all the SaaS features and tools common in other clouds in favor of this DIY / BYO ethic.

This unique mission has led Packet into some very interesting places. They are a backplane for open source foundations, as well as the innovation labs of some large corporations. They have telco customers pushing Kubernetes pods to the edge over 5G networks, where remote clouds run on fist-sized mini-clusters. They are being specified as part of the out-of-the-box datacenter facilities build-outs for some of the world’s largest commercial real estate trusts.

Time will tell what’s in the chips for Packet, but what a development to watch. 

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug