The Two Mindsets You Must Master Now To Thrive As A Digital Era Leader

By Charles Araujo

A while back, I wrote about why empathy is so critical in the Digital Era and yet one of the most undervalued human characteristics. I wrapped up, as I always do, with an exercise to help embrace the idea: explore Design Thinking.

I hope you did so.

While I believe that embracing Design Thinking is essential, it’s also just one piece of the puzzle for digital leaders that are trying to guide their organizations into this new era.

#DesignThinking is one of two essential mental frameworks that form a sort of yin-yang relationship and are the cultural foundation of successful #DigitalEra organizations. Its partner in crime? #SystemsThinking.

In fact, it is one of two essential mental frameworks that form a sort of yin-yang relationship and which serve as the cultural foundation of successful Digital Era organizations. Design Thinking’s partner in crime? Systems Thinking.

Read the entire article here.