Logility: Predictive planning agility for unpredictable supply chain conditions

Logility - Intellyx BrainCandyAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Logility offers a supply chain management and forecasting platform with predictive modeling capabilities to rapidly replan around events such as volatile customer demand and shifting supplier availability.

The only thing we can reliably predict about any build-to-order or deliver-to-promise workflow is that disruptions will happen within any given industry, whether driven by the weather, market shifts, pandemics, regulations or political upheaval. If such disruptions weren’t commonplace, companies could just stick with their status quo ERP systems to manage operations.

Logility serves seven industry segments with a machine-learning-based platform that offers algorithms for taking historical data and plotting 3-6-12-24 month demand, supply and production plans, but with a special focus on executing critical course corrections in minutes or hours, rather than days or weeks, based on very recent events.

“I could have a customer in healthcare, or food, or in the retail apparel business, and they now know they are data scientists, and in the information business,” says Mac McGary, Logility CRO. “With a common data model and AI, they can achieve accelerated decision making and cut out latency.”


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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug