Coralogix: Milling CI/CD insights and SIEM alerts from logs

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Coralogix is a fast-growing startup that returned to first principles in handling log data ingestion and processing, producing machine learning-based correlation engines that fit measurable policies into continuous delivery pipelines, and provide security management information for applications running in cloud environments.

As applications become more heterogeneous and distributed, getting deployed in ephemeral cloud environments, assuring their operational health and security, and finding anomalies by digging into logs becomes a daunting and costly ‘needle-in-the-haystack’ undertaking.

The Coralogix service can be set up to feed reporting and metric data, with fast querying and anomaly flow views from logs in minutes. For more sophisticated uses, their AI typically takes a day or so to model benchmarks from both live and ‘rehydrated’ logs from storage, which can then be used to set performance and security policies, which are then reported as events, alerts to outgoing metrics, observability, service management and issue resolution tools as needed. 

While the functionality shown covers a lot of ground, the company also differentiates heavily on lower cost of entry and lower opex data handling costs.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug