Buildkite: Secret CI/CD weapon of first-class SaaS vendors

Buildkite - Intellyx BrainCandyAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Buildkite offers a cloud-first commit-test-build-deploy development pipeline service that seems tailored to the needs of agile cloud-first companies who must accelerate and scale software delivery to hundreds or thousands of releases a day to survive.

At the same time, its easy adoption curve and code-neutral, deploy anywhere abilities may make it a flexible alternative for any company now rethinking their CI/CD or DevOps tool chain. 

While the secure developer control environment of Buildkite is entirely SaaS-based, pipeline automation is accomplished by rolling their open source agent as a Golang binary onto any flavor of infrastructure, or as a Docker image onto any known cloud service or container orchestration (Kubernetes) provider.

Buildkite’s user community is growing rapidly — but rather secretively — among many familiar top-tier web-native companies such as Shopify and Pinterest. This leader cohort is generating interest from more conventional industry enterprises who are now considering replacing their old config and deploy tool installs with a new remote-team-ready software delivery service built for cloud.

The company is also growing demand in an organic way that bucks the fast-burning spend and acquisition trend of typical startups, largely due to the developer productivity gains teams are reporting, but also thanks to low-priced free-to-enterprise purchase tiers, as well as fanatical maintenance and customer support from the actual engineers that built the platform.


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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug