Ephesoft: Contextualizing data for complex process automation

Ephesoft Intellyx Brain Candy logoAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Ephesoft offers a machine learning-based engine for capturing and enriching structured and unstructured data with context to make it digestible by other RPA and DPA tools, in addition to powering specific high-volume business process automation use cases.

You may think of back-office work like invoice processing and mail room operations as mature spaces for scanning and automation. In reality the complexity of inputs to today’s hybrid data tasks at enterprise scale makes semantic understanding and standardization next to impossible, with pallets of paper in backlog, and human recognition and sorting time picking up the slack. 

Ephesoft’s OCR and data extraction processes take input from data sources, mobile apps, paper and emails, then use a cloud-based AI service to normalize and classify this heterogeneous data for consumption by other tools.

This provides a workable document-to-data-to-machine interface for several leading automation partners and RPA bots, as well as for its own specialized process applications such as invoicing, document digitization and customer onboarding.


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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug