Pepperdata Update: Autonomous Spark optimization on K8s

Pepperdata logo Intellyx BrainCandyAn Intellyx Brain Candy Update

Pepperdata has expanded on its data observability story (since we last covered them in 2020 and 2017) with an autonomous capability that can change or recommend database and analytics workload settings across hybrid IT and Kubernetes resources to optimize speed, scale and cost concerns.

While I sometimes mention ‘autonomous’ software claims in scare quotes, in today’s massive data throughput cloud environments, humans really need to lean on this kind of system autonomy in order to make split-second tuning decisions about precisely how and when to provision ephemeral Spark workloads on OpenShift, EKS, HP Ezmeral, or elsewhere.

For non-autonomous work, there’s a spicy dark interface for IT Ops leaders to supervise multiple cloud resources, track usage attribution, and set thresholds for tuning streaming data flows. Developers also join in the data observability game as they seek to understand how their applications’ usage of big data stacks can affect end user session times and performance/cost ratios.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug