Striim Update: Real-Time Data Integration for the Hybrid Cloud

An Intellyx Brain Candy Update

We last spoke with Striim in August 2017.

Data has been called “the new oil,” which implies that organizations merely need to pump it out of their organizational reservoirs and put it to work. The problem, however, is that this new oil is spread across an incredibly diverse set of applications and data stores, which themselves are spread across a myriad of on-prem and cloud locations. Leveraging that oil requires that you dynamically integrate these various data sources, wherever they may be. And with ever-changing, on-demand customer requirements, all of that needs to happen in real-time.

The ability, therefore, to rapidly and dynamically move and integrate data across the hybrid IT infrastructure is now critical — and the challenge that Striim helps its clients address. Since we last spoke to the company, it has redoubled its focus on assisting organizations in leveraging its real-time streaming and integration capabilities to move production workloads to the cloud, to enable hybrid cloud data integration, and to facilitate real-time stream processing.

The company claims that its platform is one of the few that enables full end-to-end, real-time integration. It says that this end-to-end approach allows it to facilitate critical activities such as moving operational databases to the cloud without downtime and enabling continuous two-way integration across a hybrid architecture.

©2021 Intellyx LLC. Intellyx advises companies on their digital transformation initiatives, and helps vendors communicate their agility stories. At the time of this writing, none of the companies mentioned is an Intellyx customer. To be considered for a Brain Candy article, email us at