Verica: Verifying app continuity in a K8s & Kafka-esque world

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Verica Intellyx BC logoVerica offers a progressive performance and security testing platform that exercises Kubernetes clusters and Kafka-based data sources, providing what it calls “Continuous Verification” for cloud-native applications.

Yes, there’s some chaos engineering happening under the hood here, but rather than giving operators and SREs a set of tools to go ‘short circuit’ live infrastructure, Verica has taken an almost academic approach to capturing a playbook of the hard problems of system resiliency that may have been introduced in design and development, and running those along with CI/CD pipelines.

For instance, under certain configurations (or misconfigurations) a large volume of new Kafka topics under heavy load can lead to an outage. Or a Telco may be spinning up several Kubernetes clusters in edge data centers, and a verification can detect if a vulnerable image is being introduced before security measures can detect the problem.

An interesting outgrowth of this evangelism of continuous verification is their Verica Open Incident Database (or,, which gathers up many infamous failures and comments contributed from primary sources into a metadata-searchable database that I might even use for research.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug