InfluxData: When the timing is right for time-series data

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InfluxData supports the widely adopted InfluxDB open source time series database development toolset and platform, along with a cloud-based service edition tuned to support live time-series applications.

Unlike relational, document-based and enterprise search database platforms, a time series database uses time stamping as the primary index for each and every entry. Applications that use time as a foundational element such as gaming, IoT sensors, trading, cloud-native observability and network operations need to generate and leverage huge volumes of time-stamped records in real time. 

The InfluxDB data engine takes in API calls and rapidly feeds applications based on requested time intervals, while the platform manages the resolution of recorded volumes for near-term performance goals, as well as longer-term cost efficiency and retention policy reasons.

While time series databases are not a brand new concept, especially in analytics circles, the broader enterprise development community seems to be just waking up to the many modern use cases for real-time application data.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug