Starmind: Finding everyone who has all the answers

Starmind logo IntellyxAn Intellyx BrainCandy Brief

If you have a complex, sticky problem to solve, Starmind’s AI may not be able to magically think of an answer for you. But chances are, they have found an expert who does.

Starmind’s knowledge management algorithms scan and catalog data that originates from the all-too-informal human networks that manage organizational and global knowledge. Ask a question, and Starmind compares similar types of questions with answers that thousands of peers have responded to, and predicts which sources have the most relevant type of expertise to provide answers.

On demonstration, we can see there’s a broad range of ‘future of work’ applications for combining enterprise search with tribal knowledge management, when combined via connectors to the organization’s chat and comms systems, CRM and task management tools, as well as other data services. The stakes for finding a better answer, faster, while expending a minimum of human labor are high. 

An R&D org may appreciate getting insights from the author of a relevant paper, or want to contact a patent holder with closely related knowledge. Or they may find two engineers that are meeting to collaborate on the same problem, and reaching out to the right experts can greatly accelerate product development times.

Or, just ask it where to find the vacation request form – it can also answer repetitive, everyday questions without bothering people. What’s also cool here are optional mechanisms for measuring the quality and frequency of answers from knowledge contributors in the system, so credit can flow where credit is due.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug