Octopus Deploy: Extra arms for multiplatform cloud deployment automation

Octopus logo Intellyx BCAn Intellyx BrainCandy Update

Octopus Deploy is quickly becoming a not-so-secret weapon of millions of enthusiastic developers, because it has a non-proprietary way of picking up with automation wherever the CI/CD tool chain leaves gaps in the deployment pipeline. 

Since our initial coverage of Octopus in 2020, the enigmatic open-source-based startup has grown tenfold – thanks in part to a major funding activity – but more so because their global fanbase is demanding more involved support and product management for operationalizing and standardizing deployment pipelines across enterprises, and multiple cloud resources and on-premises deployment architectures.

New integrations keep being added, filling in the matrix of combinations of automating any repo / any config / any build / any release / any service and incident management process, to runbooking the deployment in hybrid IT infrastructures.


©2022 Intellyx LLC. At the time of writing, Octopus Deploy is a former Intellyx customer. Want to see more BrainCandy? Subscribe today. If you are a vendor seeking coverage from Intellyx, please contact us at PR@intellyx.com.


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug