Dynatrace: Cloud observability with open source collaboration

Dynatrace Intellyx BC logoAn Intellyx BrainCandy Update

Dynatrace was at KubeCon / CloudNativeCon NA 2022 demonstrating its smooth analytics and AI-driven incident insight capabilities for the cloud native community atop its broad platform of observability, APM, automation and security products.

“Our overall mission is to help customers run software perfectly,” said Alois Reitbauer, Chief Technology Strategist, Dynatrace. “Not just collecting data, but visualizing it for answers, with an AI engine that is like having a very well-trained DevSecOps person who understands what real users are doing, and automatically discovers emerging problems from runtime and security data.”

At this show, however, Dynatrace could also share much of its legacy of contributing to open source, from early W3C participation on web and browser standards, to development, automation and monitoring tools used in DevOps, to today’s vibrant cloud native community of projects. They are an early OpenTelemetry adopter and builder, and have recently contributed the OpenFeature project for feature flagging, now a Sandbox project under CNCF.

“The Cloud Native community is growing up and starting to become mainstream with enterprises in a good way,” said Reitbauer. “The conversations we have with customers and other vendors are way more advanced and in depth, and we’re actively talking about OpenTelemetry data, and how to manage features using OpenFeature.”


©2022 Intellyx LLC. At the time of writing, Dynatrace is a former Intellyx customer. Want to see more BrainCandy? Subscribe today. If you are a vendor seeking coverage from Intellyx, please contact us at PR@intellyx.com.


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug