Navigating the Trade-Offs of Scaling Kubernetes Dev Environments

Intellyx BrainBlog for Loft Labs in The New Stack, by Jason English

Welcome to the cloud native paradise, where development teams can grab the exact preconfigured Kubernetes clusters they need from a self-service engineering platform, and they are ready to scale across hybrid cloud infrastructures in a multitenant way wherever they are deployed.

Self-service provisioning and multitenancy eliminate useless toil and resource constraints from software delivery. Dev teams waste no valuable time getting the clusters they need, when they need them, so it is also cheaper.

Therefore, we can plan to impress the CFO with a better ratio of total value delivered to the business, versus total cost of ownership for the software. Problem solved!

But like everything else in software development, we must expect the unexpected. Developers may still find themselves mucking with infrastructure instead of coding, and surprises inevitably await when it comes time to pay the cloud bill for dev, test, staging and production environments.

How should we balance cost and performance goals when scaling up cloud native environments?

Read the entire BrainBlog here.


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug