Quick Integrate: An Open Source Based Low Code API and Integration Tool

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Quick Integrate is a low code GUI based integration platform developed by ATDev Services in Pune, based on their years of delivering API and integration based projects. 

In a lot of their projects, they noticed that customers were unhappy with the cost and lock-in of traditional iPass solutions. iPass vendors can often charge high usage fees and lock in your code to their products.

ATDev Services decided to build a better alternative, Quick Integrate, which would not be as expensive and the code for which would be open source based – thus no lock in. 

The initial version of the product allows you to design a solution and then use a palette of connectors supporting a drag n drop browser based GUI to implement it Quick Integrate’s focus is on making it simple to build a complete API path, from a trigger event (typically API execution) to the interaction with the database, and back. 

Quick Integrate is based on Spring Boot and Kong, and exchanges JSON payloads among the steps in an API flow. Quick Integrate generates the API from a Swagger file. Steps in the flow can be defined to use databases, messaging systems, and payload transformations. Of course logging and monitoring steps can also be dragged and dropped.