The Missing Piece of the Cloud Native Computing Puzzle

Intellyx BrainBlog for Fiorano

While Kubernetes can scale up to fleets of clusters, deploying many such fleets across different clouds in different geographies and connecting them all seamlessly remains a challenge.

The missing piece of this puzzle: automating event-driven microservices.

To scale cloud native infrastructure across global, multi-cloud, hybrid deployments, enterprises must automatically generate messages, queues (topics) and application code for connecting the microservices they want to deploy in scalable Kubernetes clusters.

Why Event-Driven Microservices

Event driven microservices are particularly well-suited for applications that rely on a complex set of interconnected services, as they use asynchronous communication mechanisms for loose coupling, scalability, resiliency, and other benefits.

Chaining events together in a flow can greatly simplify many types of communication patterns. Instead of having to model each communication between microservices as a request/response pattern, it can be simpler for many applications to model a communication as a series of one-way events that don’t require a response.

An event represents a state change to the business that the infrastructure must propagate to one or more microservices for processing. Such a business state change may require the execution of multiple microservices in a flow to process it correctly.

Having a business event trigger such a flow can greatly simplify the design and implementation of such an application.

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