Vendors Address the Explosion in API Use

Article for The New Stack by Eric Newcomer

Tech companies are responding to the explosion in API use and shift in strategic value to better meet underserved capabilities.

At the recent Apidays conference in New York, analysts described an evolving API landscape and vendors highlighted innovative responses to the market shift toward more strategic API use.

Market research indicates a dramatic increase in API usage during the past year, said Gartner VP Analyst and Chief of Research for Software Engineering Mark O’Neill during his keynote.

Adoption of third-party APIs has been a particular area of growth, he added. And the generative AI trend adds significant fuel to the fire. Traditional monolithic “all in one” API gateways are evolving like dinosaurs into lighter-weight, specialized products. A composable approach to API management is required.

“Customers are depending more and more on APIs for critical business functions,” O’Neill told The New Stack. “They notice when one of those APIs goes down or is unavailable, and it impacts their ability to do business. They may not be able to get a contract signed or process a payment because an external API is down or unresponsive.”

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