From Blinken to Bots: The Battle for Cyberspace

Article by Eric Newcomer for The New Stack

Interesting topics at this year’s RSA Conference included AI (of course), quantum cryptography, network defense, second line network defense (because you know someone will break through the perimeter), software supply chain security, data protection, ID management, API security, SDLC security, detecting deepfakes, and mobile app security, IoT device security, among many others.

It may be difficult to know which of these, or which combination of these protections your application needs, or which platforms (since everyone uses that word to mean something different) your organization might need to invest in.

But it was clear from the opening keynote by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken throughout the rest of the show that cybersecurity is a top concern for business and government alike, and it’s certainly worth paying attention to.

While bad actors continue to ramp up their game, and the U.S. and other countries invest in “technical diplomacy,” there is no shortage of cybersecurity vendors working hard to keep up their side of this critical arms race.

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