Broadcom: Investing in Mainframe Success Beyond Code

Article in The New Stack by Eric Newcomer

The New Stack Broadcom article imageBroadcom’s Mainframe Software Division is reshaping the traditional vendor-customer relationship by investing in modernizing the mainframe ecosystem and fostering a symbiotic partnership between both parties.

Broadcom’s mainframe software division is on a mission to help customers realize maximum value from their mainframe investments, and in so doing, sustain a profitable mainframe software business.

Greg Lotko, senior vice president and general manager of Broadcom’s, Mainframe Software Division, explained how it all works at their recent Broadcom Mainframe analyst conference last week in Boston.

When planning their investments in products and services, they start by listening to what customers need and asking them to describe their challenges. To address the challenge of available mainframe skills, for example, Broadcom Mainframe Software invests in recruiting and training new staff, and placing them with customers at no charge.

Modernizing the Developer Toolchain

They invest in modernizing the developer toolchain for mainframe developers to present familiar options for newcomers, such as Git integration, CI/CD pipelines, and automated testing. Developers who still want to use greenscreens, CLI, and Endevor directly can do so as well.

In contrast to Computer Associates before the Broadcom acquisition and subsequent rebranding as Broadcom Mainframe, the Broadcom Mainframe Software division invests in synergies across their product offerings, such as a common modern UI framework to improve the user experience, and using open APIs to integrate products with each other and with third-party products…

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©2024 Intellyx B.V. At the time of writing, Broadcom is a former Intellyx client. Image provided by The New Stack via Unsplash.