Kodak Alaris: Multi-modal IDP workflows with composite AI models 

Kodak AlarisAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Kodak Alaris offers an IDP (intelligent document processing) platform consisting of both software and hardware elements that can digitize and digitalize unstructured data from paper, images and file systems utilizing multiple vendor and custom AI models for contextual output into other digital processes.

The company is especially finding good traction with consulting services and integration partners, because they can get a strong price-to-performance ratio for their end customers by applying the best document processing, image recognition and categorization rules and AI models for each job. 

Big vendors like Google, Microsoft or Amazon Textract supply the models, or they can use Alaris SDKs to build customized private models that can process unstructured data and compare reliability and confidence ratings at high speed and up to a 15X lower cost.

Mid-sized and larger enterprises also have reams of manual documentation, messages, and sales receipts that could benefit from this input flexibility.

And in case you are wondering, yes, the Kodak Alaris group spun off from that Rochester, NY-based Kodak we all know from photography fame more than a decade ago, leveraging their long-standing innovations in document and image scanning. Fascinating.


Copyright ©2024 Intellyx B.V. Intellyx is an industry analysis and advisory firm focused on enterprise digital transformation. Covering every angle of enterprise IT from mainframes to artificial intelligence, our broad focus across technologies allows business executives and IT professionals to connect the dots among disruptive trends. At the time of writing, Kodak Alaris is not an Intellyx customer. No AI was used to write this article. To be considered for a Brain Candy article or event visit, email us at pr@intellyx.com.


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug