Lekko: Bite-sized FAANG-style dynamic software configuration

LekkoAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Lekko offers an SDK and a console for inserting and managing lightweight dynamic software configuration functions, or “lekkos” directly into code, with abstractions that allow non-technical users to declaratively modify features and configurations at runtime within safe parameters.

Progressive software delivery practices such as feature flagging, A/B testing and blue-green deployments have been around for more than a decade. By bringing these ideas forward with a product design perspective, Lekko’s configuration-as-code approach abstracts conditional logic and configuration data at more of a molecular level within modern languages, rather than having developers switch between different code branches themselves.

A cloud-based service allows users to manage and monitor the usage of lekkos in the repository, validate inputs and outputs to prevent errors and outages, as well as create functional sets and common variables for different business purposes such as geolocation or product versioning. 

The solution seems best suited for born-on-the-web startups and microservices architectures right now, due to the unique design pattern it encourages, though similar patterns of collaboration with code-level configuration toggles already exist within some large innovation-driven FAANG-style enterprises.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug