Analyst Guide: Modern API Mocking – WireMock Cloud

WireMock Intellyx Analyst Guide API Mocking

An Intellyx Analyst Guide for WireMock Cloud

APIs were supposed to make integration and development simpler, but in today’s highly distributed and fast-changing software architectures, developers are constantly constrained by a lack of ready API test and development environments, provisioning delays, inadequate documentation, and costly infrastructure.

This extensive analyst guide highlights how mock APIs can improve developer productivity and ensure a great API experience for API consumers, whether internal or external.

In this guide:

  • How to use API Mocking to optimize Dev & Test
  • Mocking, simulating and documenting APIs for easier onboarding
  • Why an API-first development approach needs prototype-first thinking
  • The sweet future of API mocking: pollinating development practice

Download the Analyst Guide (registration required) from WireMock Cloud here:



Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug