Root Signals: Pulling Signals from LLM Noise

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Root Signals offers a framework for scoring and evaluating LLMs. An organization uses the framework to evaluate the various models on the market, or to help tune a model’s behavior to solve a specific business problem.

Root Signals helps you set up and monitor a scoring system to evaluate a model’s performance relative to truthfulness, relevance, clarity, coherence, adherence to topic, precision, and more.

Organizations set up the parameters of the system using the Root Signals dashboard, then submit a prompt through the dashboard to a generative AI chat bot and review the results.

The scoring system helps you discover hallucinations and helps you understand what you can do to minimize them. For example, you might reduce hallucinations by iteratively improving the prompts or improving the data you provide to train the model.

To set up the scoring system, you consider what you want to measure, what scale makes sense, and what minimum values to assign. This is all based on what you want to achieve with the model, such as evaluating which LLM is best for the problem you are trying to solve, or how best to solve the problem using an LLM.

Root Signals therefore helps organizations pull meaningful signals out of the LLM noise, and improve results of LLM adoption.

Copyright © Intellyx BV. Intellyx is an industry analysis and advisory firm focused on enterprise digital transformation. Covering every angle of enterprise IT from mainframes to artificial intelligence, our broad focus across technologies allows business executives and IT professionals to connect the dots among disruptive trends. None of the organizations mentioned in this article is an Intellyx customer. No AI was used to produce this article. To be considered for a Brain Candy article, email us at