Parallel Works: Orchestrating High Performance Workloads, Now with AI Assistance

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Parallel Works announces a new AI capability called ACTIVATE in its common control plane for configuring and running high performance computing (HPC) applications.

ACTIVATE simplifies creating and managing clusters, accessing clusters via notebooks, browsers, and virtual desktops, configuring automated workflows, and controlling a diverse set of computing resources. 

Parallel Works’s common control plane allocates compute and storage clusters on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud and also allocates on prem data center resources independently or in combination. 

The Parallel Works platform specializes in running high performance and highly demanding scientific, industrial, R&D, and AI workloads and supports a significant list of off the shelf applications in the scientific, industrial, and AI categories.

ACTIVATE’s AI capabilities also help optimize compute clusters and manage multiple cloud environments for an organization’s HPC workloads. 

Parallel Works spins up the HPC workloads when needed and releases the resources on completion. They support Terraform for configuring cloud resources and OpenStack for configuring on prem resources. 

They also support Slurm commands for provisioning Linux clusters and PBS commands for submitting high performance jobs. 

Their workflow tool offers a GUI environment for defining and executing the workloads, using a parallel scripting language developed by University of Chicago and Argonne National Labs. 

They also provide security and compliance for FedRamp and HIPPA and ITAR.

Their pricing model is user based rather than consumption based. Their customers pay separately for computing resources, although Parallel Works provides cost estimates for the workloads. 

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