By Andrew Kilmurray These views may not be shared by everyone within the many industries, there has been strong debate for the opposite conclusions with the…
By Kurt Marko The flaw is in assuming that Mode 1 systems are on life-support instead of in need of some life-saving surgery and facelifts. Indeed,…
By Michael Fulton I believe that in today’s digital world, Enterprise Architecture is the how, the best method for delivering business transformation for the enterprise. If…
By Brian Spaid Jason Bloomberg writing for Forbes on the practice of “Cloudwashing” or exaggerating product “cloud” claims as a sales tactic: …there are a…
By Jacob Grandstaff According to digital analyst Jason Bloomberg, “Apple isn’t simply promising to keep its customers’ secrets. It’s promising to prevent itself from ever knowing…
By Martin Migoya A very interesting article published recently at Forbes by Jason Bloomberg, titled Reinventing Marketing with Consumer Journeys, describes Globant positioning in this new…
By Olivier Bouzereau Jason Bloomberg, président du cabinet d’analyse Intellyx recommande aux organisations concernées d’encourager « une collaboration entre les équipes mainframe et non-mainframe car le…
By Bitcoin Warrior This morning another hit-piece on Bitcoin was published by Jason Bloomberg on Forbes. His argument essentially boils down to the current debate about…
By AgilData AgilData’s dbShards product was featured in the article “The Secret to Scaling MySQL in the Cloud” by Jason Bloomberg of Intellyx. Brain Blog…
By Deirdre Mahon David Linthicum, a leading analyst on all things cloud whom I have worked with over the years is an expert in this…