Data is not as objective as you might think, particularly in the hands of those inexperienced in analyzing, manipulating, and leveraging it effectively. The growing…
Digital transformation has been all the rage for half a decade now, but to this day, people are still confused about the specifics. IT transformation,…
It's too soon to tell if enterprises — industrial age or otherwise — can, in fact, pivot. To have a chance, however, they must understand…
Tim Berners-Lee, the famed inventor of the World Wide Web, has a new project: the Decentralized Web. His thinking is that great Internet powers like…
IoT will be one of only a handful of genuinely transformative classes of technology, along with artificial intelligence (AI) and potentially blockchain — but only…
When it comes to technology, I’m an optimistic fellow. Not only do I believe the ongoing innovation in tech is inexorable, I’d go so far…
The secret to our survival as both companies and individuals may, in fact, be to rediscover and unleash our most natural and most underused ability:…
Early last year, a Microsoft research project dubbed DeepCoder announced that it had made progress creating AI that could write its own programs. Such a…
If you’re a business or IT executive there’s a need to step back and look at blockchain both more holistically and strategically, with the goal…
I called the massive Bitcoin bubble less than two months before it popped – or perhaps my articles helped it pop, who’s to say? In…