White paper for SAP by Jason Bloomberg Advances in software development tooling have improved the developer experience while increasing productivity, alignment with changing business needs,…
White Paper for Rocket Software by Jason Bloomberg Despite the mainframe’s six decades of history, the platform remains a powerful and mission-critical component of many…
Transforming Core Mainframe Code with Generative AI eBook for BMC by Jason Bloomberg Mainframe applications run the global economy – even though many mission-critical apps…
White Paper for Tanium by Jason Bloomberg Cybersecurity and reliability risks cannot be managed by working in silos, although operations and security teams have historically…
An Intellyx Analyst Guide for Faros.AI The concept of measuring the performance of software development teams is nothing new. Productivity has never been more important,…
An Intellyx Analyst Guide for Approov by Jason Bloomberg and Eric Newcomer, Intellyx High-level Mobile apps are now the center of your business strategy –…
An Intellyx Analyst Guide for WireMock Cloud APIs were supposed to make integration and development simpler, but in today’s highly distributed and fast-changing software architectures,…
White Paper (Japanese translation) for ServiceNow by Jason Bloomberg ホワイトペーパー 人中心のハイパーオートメーションの実現方法 「自動化の不安」…つまり近いうちに機械が人間に取って代わり、仕事が奪われてしまうことを恐れていませんか?このホワイトペーパーでは、Intellyx の Jason Bloomberg 社長と、ServiceNow のプラットフォームプロダクトマネジメント担当副社長 Marcus Torres が、デジタルトランスフォーメーションの次の段階で人々と企業に力を与えるハイパーオートメーションと自動化テクノロジーのトレンドを検証しています。 Click here to download this…
White Paper for Tanium by Jason Bloomberg Cybersecurity and reliability risks cannot be managed by working in silos, although operations and security teams have historically…
eBook for Chronosphere by Jason Bloomberg and Eric Newcomer For organizations looking to level up and succeed in a highly competitive cloud native landscape, DevOps…