Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) helps innovators build a better world with data. Pure’s data solutions enable SaaS companies, cloud service providers, and enterprise and public sector customers to deliver real-time, secure data to power their mission-critical production, DevOps, and modern analytics environments in a multi-cloud environment. One of the fastest growing enterprise IT companies in history, Pure Storage enables customers to quickly adopt next-generation technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, to help maximize the value of their data for competitive advantage. And with a certified NPS customer satisfaction score in the top one percent of B2B companies, Pure’s ever-expanding list of customers are among the happiest in the world.
Intellyx Articles on Pure Storage
By Teller China 公共与私人与混合的区别最终成为组织可以根据政策配置的实施细节,同时支持数字时代客户不断变化的需求。 在云计算的早期阶段,私有云承诺公共云的可扩展性,弹性和可管理性,以及对本地数据中心环境的安全性和控制。 然而,多年来,似乎这个承诺是不合理的,因为供应商的“云洗”掩盖了一个可悲的事实,即私有云实际上是最糟糕的,而不是两个世界中最好的。 事实上,早期的私有云既不是私有 云 ,也不是云 。 许多这样的云要么在公共云环境中运行(因此不值得称为“私有”),要么就是缺乏任何云优势。 然而,今天,私有云在混合IT的万神殿中占据了主导地位 – 公共云和私有云的混合以及本地虚拟化和传统环境。 今天的私有云终于值得尊敬吗? 或者他们只是供应商云洗2.0? 私有云不仅仅是企业数据中心的云.Seeweb,Karen Roe和Jason Bloomberg Read the entire article at http://www.tellerchina.com/tech/-%E7%A7%81%E6%9C%89%E4%BA%91%E7%BB%88%E4%BA%8E%E5%9C%A8%E4%BC%81%E4%B8%9A%E4%B8%AD%E5%8D%A0%E6%8D%AE%E4%BA%86%E4%B8%80%E5%B8%AD%E4%B9%8B%E5%9C%B0%EF%BC%9F-.BkwdJwmEV.html
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