June 27 10:00 PDT / 1:00 EDT It’s easy to see the potential of emerging low-code technology, but building apps is only the starting point.…
Organizations today face continually evolving expectations to improve customer experience, maximize operational efficiency and accelerate innovation…all while maintaining scalability and security. With the growing pressure…
What do you think of when you think about the information technology (IT) at today’s leading retailers? Point of sale systems. Ecommerce sites. Supply chain…
Over the last few months, Charles Araujo, Principal Analyst at Intellyx, has produced two important pieces on the evolution of software development. His white paper,…
Intellyx Whitepaper for Appian by Charles Araujo In response to digital business demands, organizations are automating everything and anything they can — and are rapidly…
There are many facets to digital transformation, but according to a recent study, a low-code development platform can help you accelerate your efforts.
Options trading is central to the complex, risk-adverse equity derivatives industry, and leading the clearing of such trades is The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC). Founded…
Uber. Airbnb. Facebook. It seems that every Silicon Valley conversation, every software pitch deck, every article on digital transformation must mention these unicorns. Pioneers of…