By Cripcy これらの意見に対し、ITアナリスト兼Forbesの貢献者Jason Bloomberg氏は、 「米国金融業界が仮想通貨に近寄らない最大の理由は、「非許可(permissionless)」の性質があり、組織犯罪の手がかかっている、所謂“時限爆弾”であるからだ。」 と発言。 Read the entire article at
European cryptocurrency and blockchain conference BlockShow made its first US appearance in Las Vegas this week, attracting several hundred of the crypto faithful, intent on…
By The year 2018 marks the year that law enforcement in the U.S. appears to be getting serious about this, and an imminent crackdown…
By Helen Partz Moderated by TechCrunch’s editor-at-large Mike Butcher, the panel was comprised of five experts from the finance and crypto industries, including leading IT analyst…
By Cripto Moderado pelo editor-chefe da TechCrunch, Mike Butcher, o painel era composto por cinco especialistas das indústrias de finanças e cripto, incluindo o analista de TI…
By Redaccion TYM Moderado por el editor genérico de TechCrunch, Mike Butcher, el panel estuvo compuesto por 5 especialistas de las industrias financiera y del…
Tim Berners-Lee, the famed inventor of the World Wide Web, has a new project: the Decentralized Web. His thinking is that great Internet powers like…
By BitcoinFR Si une entreprise dit quelque chose comme «blockchain est cool. Que pouvons-nous en faire? »Alors vous savez qu’ils sont déjà sur la mauvaise…
The Lies that Blockchain Fans Tell Themselves (and Anyone Else Who Will Listen) From ‘it’s OK that some miners are criminals because criminals also use…
In his opening remarks at the Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade (Committee on Financial Services) Hearing: ‘The Future of Money: Digital Currency’ on July…