A super statist named Jason Bloomberg believes in order to realize a more perfect state, the coercive apparatus of the state should be utilized to…
By Raimon Domínguez Marzo cerraba con bitcoin como “Diamantes de sangre” El mes cerraba con artículos escandalosos en medios de alto interés como Forbes en el…
I’m going to address Bloomberg’s actual points — few and far between as they may be. Some of the responses last time were that I engaged in…
In my article We Need To Shut Bitcoin And All Other Cryptocurrencies Down. Here’s Why from last week, I made the argument that cryptomining (the…
And this dumb dumb Forbes Article I caught today in my Google Alerts mentioned banning Bitcoin? Written by Jason BLOOMBERG? lol Stopping Bitcoin? hah good…
You’ve got to be kidding me with this absolute garbage. Read it for yourself, but the guy is wrong about almost everything he says. It…
Jason Bloomberg, a tech consultant and the author of this article, is among those who link the future of Blockchain with the future of crypto-currencies.…
In un articolo che ha attirato un ampio dibattito su Reddit, Jason Bloomberg, presidente della società di analisi del settore Intellyx, individua la minaccia più…
VODEĆI informatički stručnjak Jason Bloomberg objavio je u Forbesu članak u kojem je upozorio da je ilegalno trgovanje kriptovalutama najveća prijetnja 2018. godine. “Prošlog tjedna…
Shutting down Bitcoin could become an option in the fight against illicit cryptomining. In recent months, governments and corporations found themselves the victims of these…