By Bit Info Moderiert von TechCrunch‘s editor-at-large, Mike Metzger, wurde das Gremium besteht aus fünf Experten aus dem Finanz-und Krypto-Branchen, darunter führende IT-analyst und Forbes contributor Jason Bloomberg,…
By Subhro Ghosh A number of industry experts debated the future potential of cryptocurrencies, along with the requirement of regulatory involvement in the crypto markets…
By Appster Even large-scale financial institutions that have traditionally only dealt with fiat currencies are establishing cryptocurrency trading desks. Such developments offer a precursor of what lies…
By The panel was led by the editor for TechCrunch, Mike Butcher, and featured five experts in finance and cryptocurrency including Jason Bloomberg, a renowned…
Economist and New York University professor Nouriel Roubini is perhaps best known for calling the 2008 financial crisis in a series of articles and presentations…
By WanLianzhijia 该BlockShow美洲2018大会在美国拉斯维加斯拉开帷幕周一,8月20日。第一次小组讨论涉及两个相反观点的支持者之间激烈的争论,即如何 – 如果 – 区块链应该由全球各机构监管和采用。 BlockShow是一系列fintech和加密货币活动,通常在新加坡和欧洲举行; 之前的BlockShow在今年春天在柏林举行。 Read the entire article at
By Want Vijf experts met tegengestelde meningen Het panel werd geleid door Mike Butcher van TechCrunch en bestond uit vijf experts uit de financiële en cryptocurrency wereld.…
By Cryptos Редактор по особым поручениям TechCrunch Майк Батчер (Mike Butcher) назначен модератором панели, состоящей из пяти экспертов из финтеха и криптовалютной индустрии, а именно IT-специалиста…
By Cripcy これらの意見に対し、ITアナリスト兼Forbesの貢献者Jason Bloomberg氏は、 「米国金融業界が仮想通貨に近寄らない最大の理由は、「非許可(permissionless)」の性質があり、組織犯罪の手がかかっている、所謂“時限爆弾”であるからだ。」 と発言。 Read the entire article at
By Pcaijing 该讨论会由TechCrunch的特约编辑Mike Butcher主持,并由来自金融和加密货币行业的五位专家组成,专家成员包括领先的IT分析师和《福布斯》撰稿人Jason Bloomberg、Celsius Network的首席执行官Alex Mashinsky以及Titan DX交易所的监管交易首席执行官Rich Gupta。 Read the entire article at