Indonesian translation of a SiliconANGLE article by Jason Bloomberg Mengingat pertumbuhan pesat yang ditunjukkan oleh UiPath Inc., pemimpin dalam otomatisasi proses robot, selama beberapa tahun…
Italian translation of a SiliconANGLE article by Jason Bloomberg Data la rapida crescita che il leader dell’automazione dei processi robotici UiPath Inc. ha dimostrato negli…
SiliconANGLE article by Jason Bloomberg Given the rapid growth that robotic process automation leader UiPath Inc. has shown over the last few years, it’s no…
Chinese translation of a SiliconANGLE article by Betsy Amy-Vogt Kubernetes 已成為企業雲戰略的核心 全球企業亞馬遜網路服務、思科和英特爾在活動贊助商名單中超越了早期的開源佈道者,標誌著過去幾年雲原生生態系統發生了巨大變化。 雲原生計算基金會首席技術官 Chris Aniszczyk 在 2021 年 CNCF 的引述中說:「Kubernetes 已經從一種小眾技術發展成為一種無處不在的東西,人們甚至不知道他們正在使用基於它的技術。」民意調查。 Aniszczyk 將 Kubernetes 的普遍性與…
By Ayitim Göre anket, şu anda dünyanın her yerinde Kubernetes kullanan 5,6 milyon geliştirici var. Bu, bir yıl öncesine göre %67’lik bir artış ve büyümenin en…
By Betsy Amy-Vogt Kubernetes has become central to enterprise cloud strategy Global corporations Amazon Web Services, Cisco and Intel have eclipsed early open-source evangelists in…
Slim.AI press release Specifically, Slim.AI recently unveiled two new features—Automated Container Optimization and Multi-Scanner Vulnerability Reports—to help developers stay current with vulnerabilities uncovered by multiple…
BrainBlog for Kasten by Jason Bloomberg What are the differences between Kubernetes data protection and the more traditional data protection offerings, even though such products…
BrainBlog for Lightstep by Jason Bloomberg Programs in PASCAL, a procedural programming language popular in the 1970s and 1980s, required a single period at the…
Video by SiliconANGLE theCUBE Jason Bloomberg, President & Founder at Intellyx joins theCUBE hosts Dave Vellante and John Furrier from our live coverage of VMware…