Blog post for Crypto IQ Bitcoin is frequently portrayed as the chosen currency of crooks. There is no doubt that criminal activity has been associated…
Article for DailyCoin by Ewan Lewis This was when cryptocurrency, which was still in its infancy, was viewed with skepticism due to its potential for…
Cryptocurrency fans and detractors alike have seen the recent turbulence to hit the crypto markets – but their takeaways couldn’t be more different. For the…
Heralded by Facebook’s splashy name change to Meta, the metaverse is now the hottest topic in tech circles around the world. Put on your virtual…
By 除了 Warren Buffett 及 Bill Gates 等偶尔发表反对意见之外,整个加密货币行业中最持久也最坚定的反对者之一,当数 IT 行业分析师 Jason Bloomberg 了。 Bloomberg 是一位出版作家、《福布斯》撰稿人兼 Intellyx 公司总裁——该公司专门帮助企业将新兴技术发展与趋势性成果融入其商业模式。Bloomberg 还投入大量时间参加各类与加密货币及区块链相关的会议与活动,直接同行业领导者进行对话与辩论。他的公开立场基本可以定义为反加密货币——或者更准确地说,他反对去中心化、不加限制的加密——特别是比特币白皮书中规定的全面去中心化的、点对点交互的原始理念。很明显,他的批评对象正是早期采用者们最为看重的特性所在。 去中心化、无需许可的区块链解决方案(包括大多数数字货币)原本号称“革命性技术”,“有望改变世界”,现在却陷入了一片泥潭:一夜暴富的诡计、骗局和有组织的犯罪活动,但是区块链整体上还没有完蛋。他认为应该关闭比特币和其他所有加密货币来解决这些问题。区块链的很多方面都依赖于无准入制,所以仍然相对安全的是我们称之为“企业区块链”的这个相对平静的创新温床。与问题重重的数字货币解决方案截然相反,企业区块链解决方案基本上是许可式、集中式的。 Read the entire article here.
If you’ve been following my writing, you’ll know I’m no fan of cryptocurrency. The entire crypto space is little more than a massive Ponzi-like scam…
A rug pull is crypto bro slang for the moment in a crypto pump and dump scam where the scammers dump their shitcoins, thus running…
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all the other cryptocurrencies seem like an easy way to make money. Sure, prices are volatile, but historically they’ve been going up…
By Susan Graham In a March 1 Forbes article, Jason Bloomberg ties the dots of a series of events that have occurred over the past…
Chinese translation of Forbes Article by Jason Bloomberg by landyliao奢尚编辑转载 假如你在忧虑网络安全,而且你还不知道什么是不合法加密挖矿(亦称作“cryptojacking”),那么你就需要了解这一项目。Cryptojacking比歹意软件更加遍及,成为了2017年最常见的网络进犯方法。 笔者在2018年3月写了一篇文章,名为“Top Cyberthreat Of 2018: Illicit Cryptomining”(2018年尖端网络要挟事情:不合法挖矿),该文章写道:cryptojacking的界说是进犯者在方针体系中秘密地装置加密钱银挖矿软件。从技能层面来说,这个软件并算不上是歹意软件,它只耗费CPU周期和电力来处理加密钱银买卖,进犯者可以以此赚取佣钱,佣钱一般都是匿名的加密门罗币。 Cryptojacking并不需要进犯者来树立指令和操控,而且受害机器也不过是损耗一些CPU周期(又称机器周期),这就导致Cryptojacking更加遭到黑客的欢迎。Skybox Security在Vulnerability and Threat Trends 2018 Mid-Year Update(2018年中缝隙和要挟趋势更新陈述)中解释道:“假如2017年是歹意软件盛行的时代,那么2018年就好像是加密矿工之年。”“加密挖矿歹意软件一般都可以不被发觉,可以为进犯者一向发明收益。”…