Only last week an executive mentioned to me that the organization is so busy mapping the customer journey, they have lost sight of the employee journey. It…
The reason we are no longer discussing shadow IT is not because there is an insignificant amount of IT-type activity occurring outside of the IT…
By Yossi Shirizli Back in 2014, Jason Bloomberg for Forbes, commented that “the APM market is in the eye of the digital transformation hurricane.” Looking at the…
Take a look at this chart made by Jason Bloomberg if you plan to up your digital transformation game. It’s a very comprehensive chart about…
May 22, 11AM ET I 4PM GMT Join OutSystems and Jason Bloomberg, President of Intellyx, expert on agile digital transformation, as we unveil the Low-Code…
By Rowan Dollar The digital teams that organisations put together must be cross-functional. Not just a little bit cross-functional but really be across the organisational functions.…
By OutSystems OutSystems lanceert een webinarserie over de grootste uitdagingen voor IT-managers. In de eerstvolgende webinars komen de volgende internationale sprekers aan het woord: Jason…
By The World News O centro online vai incluir webinars sobre os maiores desafios enfrentados por profissionais de tecnologias de informação. Jason Bloomberg, presidente da Intellyx e…
By Business Wire Leading Digital Transformation Webinar Series The company will host a webinar series addressing the biggest challenges facing today’s IT and digital leaders.…
By ManageIT Wie können Unternehmen diesen vier Herausforderungen effektiv begegnen, um die digitale Transformation in ihrer Organisation erfolgreich voranzutreiben? Der Beantwortung dieser Frage gehen verschiedene…