By Data Market Atman 自1863年成立以来,苏黎世总部位于瑞士的瑞士重新对其业务和整个世界发生了许多变化。然而,当今动荡的商业环境,正迫使瑞士在其历史上任何其他时间都更快、更全面地变革。 我最近采访了瑞士Re的信息CIO CIO Rainer,了解公司正在经历的转型程度。Baumann说:“我们是一家150岁的再保险公司,面临我们从未经历过的变革步伐。”“变化的速度在加速,人们受到高度挑战。” Read the entire article at
When you think about IT’s future, you probably don’t think about factories. But the evolution of something called Industry 4.0 may be the model for…
The need to digitally transform your organization is now — or at least should be — a strategic imperative. The fact, however, that the term…
Since its founding in 1863, Zurich-based Swiss Re has seen many changes to its business and the world at large. Today’s turbulent business environment, however,…
By Shane Hastie ForbesのJason Bloomberg氏は、イベントの内容を要約した“Digital Transformation Requires Enterprisewide Agile Transformation”という記事の中で、イベントについて次のように述べている。 先週ニューヨークで開催された ICAgileの第1回Business Agility 2017カンファレンスにおいて明らかになったのは、アジャイルがテクノロジの枠を飛び越えて、ソフトウェアの世界の外へと拡大したということです。企業は今、アジャイルプラクティスの採用範囲を組織全体へと拡げることで、自らを飲み込もうと荒れ狂う海域の航海を成功に導こうとしているのです。 Read the entire article at
Organizations often discuss digital transformation as an abstract business concept, but a successful transformational journey almost always starts in IT, says BMC CIO Scott Crowder…
Jason Bloomberg will present a three-hour pre-conference tutorial on Agile Digital Transformation Building Business Capability Conference, Orlando, November 6, 2017 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm…
By Doug Tedder In a recent Forbes magazine article, Jason Bloomberg featured Automic, an IT automation and service orchestration software company. Automic, recently acquired by…
Uber. Airbnb. Facebook. It seems that every Silicon Valley conversation, every software pitch deck, every article on digital transformation must mention these unicorns. Pioneers of…
Transform Your Organization for a Competitive Edge Today’s world is driven by technology and “Digital Transformation” is reshaping the very foundation of how organizations are…