When an organization finally figures out how to get DevOps to work properly, it’s unquestionably a beautiful thing. A team working together at full speed,…
A central facet of digital marketing is the customer journey. This journey takes an anonymous visitor (either online or in a physical location) to becoming…
By Martin Migoya A very interesting article published recently at Forbes by Jason Bloomberg, titled Reinventing Marketing with Consumer Journeys, describes Globant positioning in this new…
Enterprises are finally realizing that digital transformation must be end-to-end if they want to remain competitive in today’s software-driven, customer-focused world – but virtually every…
As today’s brands scramble to reinvent themselves for the digital age, they have two places to look for assistance: technology-oriented consulting firms and advertising/marketing agencies…
In my last Cortex newsletter I explained that the trimodal pattern from Value Chain Mapping wouldn’t fix the well-known issues with bimodal IT. I’ve also…
By Alexandra Levit If bimodal IT doesn’t fly, what should IT departments do instead? Wainewright cited analyst Jason Bloomberg, who advised that IT convergence is…
In today’s world of digital transformation, many organizations are struggling to make Enterprise Architecture (EA) work. Some of the existing frameworks are difficult to implement and…
Welcome to the first in a series of articles featuring digital influencers who are driving digital transformation for enterprises across the globe. Today’s influencer: Otto…
By Olivier Bouzereau Encourager la collaboration entre informaticiens Pour Jason Bloomberg, président du cabinet d’analyse Intellyx, “les organisations qui dépendent d’un grand système pour leurs activités…