By Susana Marvão A OutSystems vai organizar este mês o seu evento virtual de transformação digital. Dias 15, 22 e 29 de setembro, líderes em transformação digital vão…
By Moogsoft Moogsoft / Intellyx Webinar: Five Essential Techniques for Approaching IT Alert Fatigue. Jason Bloomberg — a widely recognized authority on agile digital transformation,…
By Outsystems Learn from the pros and join your peers from around the world as we go deep with three information-packed webinars this September. No…
By Rich Razon Not every expert believes that the two happily cohabitate, of course. Jason Bloomberg, writing in Forbes, argues that organizations will inevitably use DevOps…
By Moogsoft Moogsoft is joined by Jason Bloomberg — a widely recognized authority on agile digital transformation, and President of Intellyx — to discuss the…
By Sahil Khanna Jason Bloomberg, President of Intellyx, discusses the best techniques for handling alert fatigue in an era in era of ever-increasing IT complexity. On…
By Allan Zander I’ve been hearing a lot about Bimodal IT—Gartner was pumping it up recently at their Gartner Symposium, while Jason Bloomberg at didn’t…
By Ana Rita Guerra A segunda sessão acontece a 22 de setembro, à mesma hora, e intitula-se “The Bimodal Bake Off.” Irá analisar a tendência de…
By Jiji イベントにはForrester、デロイト、PWC、Intellyxなどが参加し、専門性の高い見識を共有 OutSystemsは、この9月にバーチャルのデジタル・トランスフォーメーション・イベントを開催いたします。デジタル・トランスフォーメーションを率いるリーダーたちが、3週間の間、多くの役立つ情報を提供するセッションで、今日この業界が直面する複雑な課題についてお話します。 The Bimodal Bake Off ウェビナー (日本時間9月23日 12:00) Bimodal ITというコンセプトが、経験豊富な開発チームにおいて試されています。 異なるスピードのITを2つ持つというアイディアに賛否両論ありますが、このウェビナーではデロイトのルイ・ヴァス氏と、アジャイルなデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを推進するIntellyxのジェイソン・ブルームバーグ氏が、このBimodal ITのアプローチに関して議論を交わします。 Read the entire article at
By Business Wire The Bimodal Bake Off (September 22, 11:00 am EDT) Bimodal IT is putting even the most talented development teams to the test.…