By 飞算全自动软件工程平台 然而,长期以来一直存在于软件开发市场边缘的低代码/无代码平台,对于很多以手写代码为生的程序员来说是一个并不熟悉的概念,甚至很多人对其持怀疑态度。行业分析公司 Intellyx 创始人兼总裁 Jason Bloomberg 表示,“DevOps 需要解决的问题之一是改变这些热衷于手动编码者的心态,”他说,“在没有低代码工具的情况下,进行 DevOps 将会越来越困难,因为手动编码在未来将会是提升开发效率的瓶颈。” Read the entire article here.
BrainBlog for Zoho by Charles Araujo The low-code market is on the cusp of going mainstream, according to a new study by Zoho. The report, which…
By DevopsDigest LOW-CODE/NO-CODE MATURES Both low-code and no-code will continue to mature in 2022, making increasing headway into enterprise application development organizations. Jason Bloomberg President, Intellyx…
Intellyx Brainwave – Podcast/vCast for December 14, 2021: We’re back for Season 2 of Intellyx Brainwave podcast. In this episode, we’re rejoining WSO2, the pioneering…
On-demand OutSystems webinar About The Webinar This webinar is available to you on-demand! Just complete the form to the right to watch! What is an…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Nylas consumes unstructured communications data and leverages AI and metadata enrichment to improve and automate employee workflows, thus increasing productivity.…
BrainBlog for Quickbase by Jason Bloomberg Low-code tools enable both professional software engineers and non-technical ‘citizen’ developers to build their own business applications with little or…
At its NextStep event, OutSystems announced what its CEO Paulo Rosado called the “most ambitious technology platform launch” in its history. Dubbed Project Neo (for…
Zoho webinar Digital transformation has become essential for all businesses, irrespective of their size, industry, or function. And this demands that businesses align themselves with a…
企业联盟信息网 article 3.Employfull应用-生命周期支持 毫无疑问: 低代码开发平台并不只关注初始构建阶段。相反,这些选项支持整个应用交付生命周期,从设计到构建,再到部署和迭代。 迭代可能是应用程序开发中最重要的因素,因为消费者需求变化的速度越来越快。能够在没有外部开发人员或IT团队帮助的情况下将用户反馈集成到您的应用程序中,这意味着您的应用程序更新更快地进入市场,并且可以在整个应用程序生命周期中无缝更新。 创业者不能被那些不能满足企业和客户需求的应用程序所阻碍。这就是为什么他们需要在应用程序的整个生命周期中获得更好的支持。Intellyx的分析师杰森·布隆伯格 (Jason Bloomberg) 最近报告说,商业领袖 “如果完全取消手工编码,而是在整个组织中采用低代码/无代码,他们的数字转型就会更加成功。” Read the entire article here.