White paper for Newgen by Charles Araujo Banking has long been at the forefront of technology innovation. From ATMs to mobile banking, financial institutions have…
BrainBlog for OutSystems by Jason Bloomberg Since the first enterprises replaced their aging vacuum tube systems with newfangled solid-state technology, modernization has been an expensive,…
Pillir post Pillir is filling the technical talent gap required for creating SaaS and cloud-based supply chain transformations with a ‘Lego-block-like’ drag and drop functional application…
By 能源生活网 低代码技术的供应商市场很拥挤:Sstartup Sway.ai 在二月份推出了其无代码平台,以帮助用户构建AI驱动的应用程序。同月,初创公司Mage推出了其低代码AI开发工具,该工具可帮助组织生成模型。Cogniteam于5月9日宣布了其最新的低代码AI更新,重点是机器人技术。低代码领域的其他知名供应商包括Appian和Mendix,它们都具有不同程度的AI支持能力。 “低代码代表了人工智能驱动的应用程序开发在复杂的服务和数据源网络之上的主要增长领域,”Intellyx LLC首席分析师Jason English告诉VentureBeat。“降低技术进入壁垒,可以将业务专业知识应用于ML培训,自动化和推理任务。 迭代旨在实现差异化 Iterate首席技术官Brian Sathianathan告诉VentureBeat,他的公司平台与市场上其他低代码技术的差异化方式之一是特定的行业用例模板。 Read the entire article here.
White paper for OutSystems by Jason Bloomberg Cloud-native computing extends the core scalability, elasticity, and rapid development benefits of the cloud to all of IT.…
By Rickie Walker 无代码的未来是什么?无代码专家的意见。 无代码行业正处于高速发展的轨道上,专家们认为它将在2022年达到210亿美元。Intellyx公司总裁Jason Bloomberg预测,低码/无码行业将在2022年蓬勃发展,为商业领域的软件开发贡献他们的力量。技术研究和咨询公司Gartner预测,到2024年,65%的整体应用开发将通过无代码工具进行。今天,无代码技术正在蓬勃发展,以建立一个开发者社区。 Read the entire article here.
By Rickie Walker What is the future of no-code? Opinions of no-code experts. The no-code industry is on its high trajectory, and the experts suggest…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Atrigam offers a simple, lightweight no-code application construction tool that the company designed for mobile use, both for application creators…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Baseten provides a visual toolkit for data scientists to build ML models into fully functional applications via a low-code interface.…
By Amy Groden-Morrison Why IT Pushes Back Against Low Code and No-Code Software Development A Forbes article by analyst Jason Bloomberg points to evidence that IT…