Getting big data to do for us flawed humans what we cannot effectively accomplish for ourselves is an ongoing struggle.
Jason Bloomberg’s recent post on titled “Big Data Driven Innovation: Disruption vs. Optimization” explores at length the positives and negatives of utilizing big data to make decisions for us—and when to say when. Or, in Bloomberg’s terms, when to disrupt the analyses of big data, and when to optimize on its results.
Says Bloomberg, “Taking Big Data-driven optimization to the highest level is how companies make the most of their breakage-prone widgets, just as it is the secret to any organization [that] wishes to establish innovation as a core competency.” He uses the widgets that operate in airplane engines as an example—they determine when an engine part needs to be replaced, based on historical big data regarding the life of such equipment. If we combine those big data-driven hypotheses with mathematical variables predicting the life of said engine parts, we have as near-perfect as we can get for now.
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