“Investment in technology will continue to create efficiencies in the market and, in order to differentiate, brokers will focus more time not only on processing trades, but value-added services and products that help their clients improve performance for their end investors,” said Derrick Chan, senior vice president at Fidelity Centralized Electronic Trading.
Brokers will need to be innovative and identify where they can best provide value in the process. “Competition, technology, and the pursuit of performance enhancements will lead to market efficiency improvements throughout the capital markets spectrum,” Chan said.
Capital-markets firms have “led the world” in driving business via high-velocity technological advancements, but there’s more to digital transformation than that, according to Jason Bloomberg, president of training and advisory concern Intellyx.
“Continuing to place bets on velocity at the exclusion of agility will lead established players to fall prey to the ‘Innovator’s Dilemma’, thus opening up opportunities for newer, more agile players who seek to disrupt the status quo,” Bloomberg said.
Read the entire article at http://marketsmedia.com/digital-transformation-a-look-ahead/.